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HCC News and Events for June 2017
Published on Jun 7, 2017 15:24

HCC News and Events for June 2017:

Breakfast Club…. Thanks Mrs. Catherine Wood for your years of service!
A special thanks to Mrs. Catherine Wood. She has been volunteering for 7 years running a wonderful Breakfast program for our kids. Thanks to Carole Pope who has been working alongside Catherine for the past few years, and all of our Breakfast club volunteers who have helped provide our students with a nutritional start to their day. We are looking for a team of volunteers to help run our Breakfast Club next year. Please let us know if you are interested in helping.

Chocolate Fundraiser
Thanks to all who supported our major Fundraiser. We surpassed our goal (and last years total) with a final total of $14,500! Thanks to our parent volunteers for their incredible efforts organizing and administrating this event. 

Safe Crossing
There have been a number of near misses reported by school transportation drivers involving students and parents narrowly escaping being hit by school vans and busses while crossing the street in front of the school and when crossing the school parking lot. The safety of all members of our school community is of utmost importance. When possible, please remind your children and model to your children entering and exiting school property at the ends of the yard, beyond the parking lot, and remind them to walk across the street after looking both ways to make sure that no vehicles are coming. 

 June 7th at Johnny Burger
Eat at Johnny Burger on Wednesday June 7th (847 Innisfil Beach Rd.) and 10% of all Net Sales will be donated to Holy Cross. Thanks Johnny Burger for supporting our community.

June Events…..

June 6        Last Day for Sub Tuesday delivery

June 7        Eat at Johnny Burger and support Holy Cross

June 12      Jump Rope for Heart Day    

June 13      Volunteer Breakfast    

June 14      Regional Track Meet at Nantyr Shores

June 20      Year End Mass @ St. John Vianney Church (9:45 a.m.)  

June 22      Last day for Pizza Thursday delivery

June 23      Last Day for Milk Delivery

June 23      Gr. 8 Grad @ St. John Vianney Church (5:45 p.m.)

June 26      Report Cards sent home

June 28      Recognition

June 29      Last Day of School

As always, please visit our website for the most current and up-to-date information and events.

Please join me in thanking our Volunteers, our staff coaches, and staff activity leaders, and school event organizers, for their valuable contributions to our school community.

God Bless!