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HCC Updates and Events for May 2017:
Published on Apr 30, 2017 15:21

Catholic Education Week  (May 1-6)  This year's theme is, "Walking Forward Together." The theme is drawn from three contemporary Catholic documents that address the need for reconciliation and renewal - in our lives, with our families, in our relationships with others and in our relationship with our environment and our common global future. HCC will be participating in a Community Clean-up, a School Liturgy, a Social Justice Walk, and various classroom activities.

 Chocolate Fundraiser
Thanks to all who supported our major Fundraiser. Congratulations to our Top Sellers!
  We are still waiting for some unsold chocolate and money from sales to be returned so we can calculate our grand total. Thanks to our Parent Council volunteers for their many hours of work to make this a successful event.

 Book Fair is back at Holy Cross  (May 1-8) ......Students will be viewing the book fair with their teachers and can purchase items starting on Wednesday May 3rd. The fair will also be open on Thursday May 4th from 3:15-4:15 for any families who would like to come and take a look. The last day of the Book Fair is Monday May 8th.

 Spirit Wear - we will be placing our final order for HCC Spirit Wear! All orders are due back to the school by Monday, May 8th. Click here for an order form. Also, there are a limited number of HCC Toques ($8) available for purchase as well.

May Events…..

May 1….Community Clean-up (Rain Date: May 3)

May 1-8…. Book Fair

May 4…. Gr 8’s at Georgian College (Grizzly Cubs)

May 4… Bilingual Presentation – Mike Ford

May 5… Musical show at St. Francis (Kindergarten)

May 8… Spirit Wear orders (final day)

May 10… School Liturgy

May 11… Mother's Day Tea & SPA (Kindergarten)

May 16… Social Justice Walk

May 17… Grade 6 Retreat @ SJV

May 18… School Track and Field

May 22… Victoria Day Holiday

May 23… KG Info Night

May 24-26… Gr. 3 EQAO testing

May 26… Jump rope for heart pledge forms due

May 26… Recognition (KG/Primary-9:30, Junior/Inter-10:15)

May 29-31… Gr. 6 EQAO testing

May 29-31… Gr 8 Trip to Kandalore

A Message for parents from the Director Of Education, Mr. Brian on link:

 Please join me in thanking our Volunteers, our staff coaches, and staff activity leaders, and school event organizers, for their valuable contributions to our school community.

God Bless