Upcoming events from Holy Cross…
Published on Mar 10, 2017 13:15
Sub Tuesdays
- A new six week cycle for Sub deliveries begins on Tuesday, March 21st, for those that have ordered subs.
Milk and Pizza Orders (April to June)
- Final day to submit an order form is Thursday, March 23rd
- Order forms have already gone home with your children
- You must complete an order form for each child separately and returned to their classroom teacher
- You can download additional order forms by clicking here
Reconciliation in preparation for Easter….. March 28 or 29th
- Students and staff will have an opportunity for Reconciliation at HCC
- We are awaiting a final schedule from St. John Vianney Church to confirm which date will be at Holy Cross (March 28 or 29th)
Grade 8 Grad Photos and Senior Kindergarten “when I grow up” photos…. March 29th
- Edge Imaging will be at the school all day taking Grade 8 grad photos
- Senior Kindergarten students will have an opportunity to have a “when I grow up” photo taken (optional). A pamphlet from Edge Imaging is being sent home with the SK’s outlining your options. (edgeimaging.ca)
Recognition Assemblies….. March 30th
- Recognition:Junior/Inter-11:45 a.m. and KG/Primary-12:30 p.m
Parents Council “Worlds Finest chocolate fundraiser” begins….March 31st
- Please visit our website for details
And for the most current and up-to-date information please visit our website: