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Parent Council once again is excited to introduce our major Fundraiser
Published on Feb 27, 2017 14:13

Due to the great success we had last year, we will be selling WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATE SUITCASES!

We are asking each family in our school to sell one ‘suitcase’ of chocolates.  Each case contains 30 items at $3 each; Caramel Whirls, Mint Meltaways, Milk Chocolate Bars, Raisins, Crisp Bars and More! If you should require extra boxes to sell in helping support our school you may do so by contacting the school.

AWESOME PRIZES for SELLERS……Early Bird Draws, Class Prizes, Grand Prizes For Top Sellers will be AWARDED!

We will be offering Chocolate Covered Almonds at Parents request, as special HANDLING is required.

An information form will be sent with your child (youngest and only) early this week. Each family will receive one standard suitcase to sell unless indicated on the form that another option has been chosen (ie. not selling, not selling but wanting to donate, choosing Chocolate Covered Almonds over the variety suitcase.) This form is to be returned by March 10th  if you are choosing NOT to receive the standard ‘suitcase’ of chocolates.