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Important updates from Holy Cross…..
Published on Feb 15, 2017 10:43

Inclement weather has created the need for some scheduling and rescheduling changes here at Holy Cross. Please visit our website for the most up-to-date info. Please see below for some upcoming events:

Winter Carnival….  We are having a Winter Carnival day on Friday, Feb.17th.  This will involve both indoor and outdoor activities for your children. Please ensure they come prepared with some snow pants, gloves, hats etc.

Family Day…. Monday, February 20th.

Report Cards….. Will be sent home with your children on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd

Pink Shirt Day….  in support of Anti-bullying.  Wednesday, Feb 22nd

Grade 8 Grad Meeting…. rescheduled (from the inclement weather day)  to Thursday February 23rd at 3:30 p.m. in the library.

 Tuesday Sub Orders…  the last day for this cycle of Sub Orders is Tuesday, February 28th .   Order forms for the next cycle will be sent home with your children soon. They will also be available on the website.  The next ‘six week cycle’ begins following March Break (no Subs on March 7th)  on March 21st

 Speeches….. Our public speaking contest for both junior (9:15 a.m.) and intermediate (12:15 p.m.) students on will take place on Thursday February 16th. Holy cross will be hosting the Zone competitions as well.  These will be held on Thursday, February 23rd  at 6:30 p.m.