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School Newsletter
Published on Nov 1, 2018 12:45

Holy Cross Catholic Elementary School

November Newsletter


Lord Jesus, thank you for inviting us to be part of your story-the story of your love for us, for all people, and for all your creatures.

Help us to live our faith each day with love, generosity and joy, so that we can BE that story for others, and help others to know and love you.

We ask this, Jesus, in your name. Amen

Parish News

Early Family Life at St. John Vianney Parish

How can we support families so they may be closer to Jesus, to each other and to the community?

We invite you to join us for Early Family Life at St. John Vianney Parish.  This is a new program that will connect you with like minded parents in a welcoming and supportive environment and deepen your relationship with your child. It will also offer you the best in child development and how to teach our Faith to your little one!

We warmly welcome families with children ages 0-7.  The sessions facilitate parent-child interaction, parent discussion and children’s learning time.  The sessions will begin on Saturday, October 13 at 10:00 a.m and continue weekly through November 17, 2018.  Each 2-hour session consists of a parent and child interaction time followed by a parent discussion time, during which the children will be led by trained leaders.  

We are excited to bring this opportunity to our parish and hope that you will join us!  To register or for more information, please contact Steph Maher at [email protected].  

"What's been so beautiful is that the children actually teach and help the parents discover their own sense of faith in God."



Christmas Bazaar

Saturday, November 24

9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

13 Baldwin Lane, Barrie, L4N 2W1

Enjoy a delicious plated lunch in our Christmas café  – just $7.00

♦Stock up on hand made Christmas ornaments and crafts.

♦ Shop early for hand knitted and crocheted winter wear to keep you warm.

♦ Delicious home baking and preserves at our bake table.

♦ Nearly new and draw tables.

♦ Gifts for everyone.

For more information call

Hazel Hawrish 705-735-1375  (no vendors, please)

For more information or additional parish news, please visit the St John Vianney Parish website at:

School News

A School Bus Safety Presentation for students in Grades 1-8 will take place November 1st in the afternoon.

Sub Order Forms for the 5 weeks starting November 20th and ending December 18th will be sent home this week and need to be returned by Nov 9th.

Picture Re-take Day will be November 6th.

Remembrance Day Liturgy on November 12th.

Grade 8 students and their teachers will visit St. Peter’s CSS on November 14th.

Progress Reports will be sent home with each student on Wednesday, November 14th.

Three Way Conferences will take place on November 15th and 16th. A yellow sheet with times, dates and sign up information will be sent home with each student on November 1st. Parents will be able to sign up for interviews beginning November 6th.

November 16th will be a PA Day.

Innisfil Power Presentation to students on November 21st.

Parent Council meeting in the Library at 6:30 p.m. on Nov 21st.

Recognition Assembly on November 29th.

Food Drive Success

Thank you to all our families for your generous donations in support of the Innisfil Food Bank. Our school collected over 800 items with Mr Brousseau’s class and Ms Hahn’s class collecting the most items. Ms Hahn’s class won the challenge. Congratulations!!


Inclement Weather

As the trees change colour and we settle in to fall, we are reminded that winter will be here sooner than we think. Please remember that Holy Cross is in the Central Weather Zone. Updates on bus cancellations can be found at

Dogs/Animals On School Property

Please remember that dogs and/or other animals are not permitted on school grounds or within the school.

Dress for the Cold Weather

As the weather cools down please ensure that your children come to school dressed for the weather. Winter coats, mittens, toques/hats, scarves and boots are becoming necessary as November arrives.

Eat Well To Excel

Eat Well to Excel is a government funded initiative to ensure all school age children have access to a free, healthy snack during the day. Any student can access the snack program. Typical snacks available are as follows: cereal bars, fruit, granola bars, crackers, applesauce, etc. These snacks are available in the office.


To the Junior Girls Volleyball team and the Junior Boys Volleyball team. Both teams won their zones on Tuesday and are heading to cross-overs on Thursday.

Go Hurricanes Go!!!