Updates and Reminders from Holy Cross....
Published on Apr 24, 2018 19:34
Gets your tickets now. Sales end Thursday, April 26. Awesome prizes. See the story on our Website
HCC day at Johnny Burger - Apr 25th
Eat at Johnny Burger on Wednesday and part of each purchase will go towards Holy Cross
Chocolate Fundraiser
Thanks to all who supported our major Fundraiser. Congratulations to our Top Sellers! We are still waiting for some unsold chocolate and money from sales to be returned so we can calculate our grand total. Thanks to our Parent Council volunteers for their many hours of work to make this a successful event.
Book Fair is back at Holy Cross (April 25 - May 4) ......Students will be viewing the book fair with their teachers and can purchase items starting on Wednesday April 25th.
Catholic Education Week (May 6-11)
This year’s celebration is entitled, “Catholic Education: Renewing the Promise” and will be held during the week of May 6 – May 11, 2018. The overall scriptural theme is “For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.” Acts 2:39
Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club is looking for volunteers. It only requires a short time commitment in the morning for as little as 1 day a week.
Upcoming Events…..
April 25.... HCC at Johnny Burger
April 25.... Book Fair starts
April 26.... SPORTSTACULAR ticket sales close
April 26.... Recognition Assemblies
April 27.... PA Day